Sunday, November 25, 2012

The Babies Met Auntie Cila

23 NOVEMBER 2012
11 Muharram 1434H

My Super Power Cila is Getting better.
Legaa dgr everythings back to normal.
In fact, much more better for her.
Allah swt Maha Mengetahui.
Segala ujian yg diturunkanNya,
ada hikmah yg tersembunyi.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
berkat doa yg x putus3, 
finally gave her the strength to overcome the pressure.
Go Cila Go! Stay Healthy! Stay Strong! 
I love U! We love U! 
Rayyan and Delisha love u Too!
"....Cant wait to see Auntie Cila again :D.."


24 NOVEMBER 2012
10 Muharram 1434H

Almost 9 Months baru gather balik hoho.
 neh paling lame gak laa rasenye xjumpe,
tp samat ade wasap, n twit3. 
so xdelaa cm katak bwh tempurung sgt.
semua maseh xberkahwin, maseh xbertunang.  
haha nice kn? :p
!Welcome home Wen!
misi anda ialah makan cm nk balik aussie esk!
hahahah. anda sgt slim phew.
Bile dh balik neh, mmg best laa lg plan itu ini.
Dh complete so cm best nk berektibiti.
Tp kene tunggu maseng3 free btol3. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Buah Hati

24 NOVEMBER 2012
10 Muharram 1434H

Baby Rayyan 2 Months 9 Days
Baby Lisha 2 Months 5 Days

.:My buah hati pengarang jantong:.
Penyejuk. Pewarna, Pelembut. 

 Selamat Berpuasa yea! :D

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Hasbunallahu wa ni`mal Wakil

22 NOVEMBER 2012
8 Muharram 1434H

Alhamdulillah, Allah Maha Mendengar.
Subhanallah. Allah Maha Besar.

“Hasbunallahu wa ni`mal Wakil’: حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
Allah (Alone) is Sufficient for us, and He is the Best Disposer of affairs (for us).”

Semoga umat Islam tdk berhenti menadahkan doa untuk kesejahteraan 
saudara-saudara Islam d dunia ini. Amin~

Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Diary

15 NOVEMBER 2012
1 Muharram 1434H

196 Posts since 2008
Last post was on 31st March 2012

Let it be my diary for the past postssss. I just revert it into drafted. 
I will lock into my memories for the happy, sad, open, alive and good moments.
Reading all the posts, i just wonder. how do i have tym wrote a very long and details 
for all activities, Now? hahah! should i have a try, again?
Let's see :D

For the past: u make me stronger
For the current: u make me alive
For the future: u make me ambitious